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AUROS360 "RESETs" Ambitious Indoor Air Quality

According to the US EPA, asthma accounts for nearly 17 million physician office and hospital visits per year.

AUROS Group is proud to be RESET AP Certified

The RESET Air standard is Regenerative Ecological Social & Economic Targets, and it is an international performance based standard and certification program for healthy buildings measured in real-time. Indoor air quality data is gathered through air monitors that measure particulate matter (PM2.5/PM10), carbon dioxide (CO2), total volatile organic compounds (TVOC), temperature, and relative humidity. Results stream to the cloud and can be viewed in real-time from any computer or mobile device.

As a performance based standard, RESET Air begins with the integration of accredited IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) sensors and monitors. RESET Air sets standards for monitor performance, installation, calibration and data reporting. RESET is hardware agnostic and continuously tests IAQ monitors for compliance. To conform to the RESET Air Standard, monitors must be properly installed and commissioned. Monitors must be calibrated and network connections must be properly configured to stream real-time data to the cloud for the provision of health and certification analytics. The Reset Standard is rapidly becoming the industry reference and has been adopted into an international consortium for global monitoring standards, including the International Future Living Institute, International WELL Building Institute, BREEAM, and Passive House Institute U.S. standards.

AUROS360 brings Evidence-based Performance to any discussion regarding RESET Air certification. Our job is to ensure that buildings operate consistent with the performance goals set for indoor environmental quality during planning.

Evidence-based Performance is more than simply visualizing trended data; it is more than viewing trended data against industry standards and thresholds; Evidence-based Performance is knowing whether you are winning or losing. Owner’s who decide to invest in their buildings performance, do so because they know the value to their employees and the people in the buildings.

Evidence-based Performance connects planning to operations in the construction cycle, we provide the digital infrastructure to dynamically track performance against owner’s sustainability goals post occupancy. Only with an integrated dashboard, showing how a building is performing against key metrics, will an owner know if a building is performing.

We deliver Evidence-based Performance to building owners, developers and architects.


© 2018-2022 by AUROS Group.

243 East Main Street
Carnegie, Pennsylvania 15106

Tel: 412.506.6777

AUROS Group's AUROS360 data integration capabilities are protected by U.S. Patent Nos.10,936,764, 10,956,627 and 11,853,654 and pending patent applications. 


Get in touch: 412-506-6777
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