In a nutshell, it stands for the Building Performance Assurance Council. It is essentially a brand-neutral, outcome-based, and data-driven approach to verifying the performance of buildings against decarbonization standards. As new and existing buildings across North America pursue decarbonization strategies, verifying performance seems to be on everyone's minds. For decision-makers to jump on the decarbonization bandwagon, we must alleviate investors' fears over the financial and performance risks of such investments.
For jurisdictions, developers and project teams who are looking to prove owners got what they paid for, in terms of performance outcomes, BPAC becomes the tool providing that proof.
It's important to note that BPAC is not a standards organization. BPAC will rely on the standards that already exist. Building owners and developers have standards already that fit with their mission and vision. BPAC will bring a scalable approach to verifying expected performance.
To learn more about BPAC: