Only a SMART building can operate at zero energy and measurably improve occupant wellness and productivity.
So, why isn’t every building a Smart Building?
Because it seems crazy to invest in making a building smart but that is exactly what every smart owner, architect and developer should be doing.
The definition of a smart building is simply “it uses technology to assess and improve the performance of buildings”
The level of connectivity enabled by the Internet of Things (IoT) enables new and existing buildings to become smart quickly, easily and cost effectively. Building owners typically ask us; what should I connect? What’s important to measure? Those are personal questions, much like which camp should I put my kids in this summer? The choices are a function of your goals and values.
In terms of whole-building performance, the choices open to an owner today are massive and span across energy, indoor air quality and indoor environmental quality.
Smart Building Performance Measures
Energy Consumption
Electric, Natural Gas, Domestic Potable Water, District Energy and Renewables
Indoor Air Quality
Temperature, Relative Humidity, Particulate Matter (PM2.5/PM10), Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Total Volatile Organic Compound (TVOC)
Indoor Environmental Quality
Multi-Mode Lighting, ambient versus task, Acoustic Sound Levels, Biophilia, Water Quality and Indoor Control of Light and Sound
Smart Buildings Pay
For most owners, selection of values for the key performance indicators above must be financially defensible; they must pay for themselves. Fortunately, in 2017, we have data and research papers to guide and defend your decisions to pursue a smart building. Whether you are considering a new building or retrofitting an existing building, the technologies exist to make any building smart. Within 5 years, Construction Drive estimates that the total market size for smart building technologies will reach about $25B. In the hands of a smart owner, a smart building pays for itself.
To board the Smart Building train, call the AUROS Group at 412.506.6777
We deliver Evidence-based Performance to building owners, developers and architects.